The Practical Cyclist's Vision:
- It should be easy to ride a bike for urban transportation.
- A person riding a bike does not need, nor should they be made to feel that they need, expensive or cycling-specific clothing, bags, or other equipment.
- A person riding a bike should not feel or be made to feel intimidated by other bicyclists, bike shop staff, motorists or automobile traffic, or anyone else.
- Riding a bike should be an unremarkable activity in this resepect: it should be de rigueur, standard, normal, routine.
The Practical Cyclist's Mission:
- To reduce the barriers that keep people from riding bikes.
- To provide a resource for people interested in using bicycles for utilitarian purposes, broadly defined, with a particular focus on providing accessible and practical information for folks with little experience.
- To make it easier for people to ride bicycles for transportation.